Kids across Canada are excitedly counting down the days until March Break.
They are SO ready for a whole week off school, but are YOU prepared?!

Who says you can’t learn about science AND have fun at the same time?!  Don’t leave the experiments in the classroom this spring break…Make your own scientific discoveries from the comfort of home!

Can you stop gravity? Why do bread and cakes rise? Why are bubbles round? Can you really believe your eyes?! There is so much that science can teach us about ourselves and the world.  We have the answers to these questions (& more!) plus amazing experiments you can try at home along the way!

Read on to discover how Usborne can help make your March Break scientifically AWESOME! 

Welcome to your very own science lab!

Are you someone who likes to ask a lot of questions?  Do you enjoy getting to the bottom of a problem, and maybe even getting your hands dirty along the way? If so…it sounds like you are a SCIENTIST!

Scientists always ask QUESTIONS about the world around them – and they try to find the answers by doing EXPERIMENTS.

This book will show you how to think like a scientist, with your own science lab at home!

“Don’t scientists need specialist equipment?”

Nope! You can do all of the experiments in this book with things that are easy to find!
Just read through each experiment before you start it. Make sure you have everything ready and understand what to do.


“How can I keep track of my experiments?”

Take photos and make videos as you do them!  It’s also a good idea to keep a notebook, so you can write down what you see and what you discover.


“What if an experiment doesn’t seem to work?”

Do it again! Scientists often repeat experiments to check their findings and discover even more.
Never be afraid to make mistakes and/or get a little messy…that’s how we learn!


“What if I can’t figure out the answers to any questions?”

Don’t worry at all! There are answers and extra information at the back of the book. We’ve got your back, Jack!
Once you know the answers, head back and try the experiment again. Your new knowledge might help you discover something awesome!


“How do I pick which experiment to do?”

You can browse the contents on Pages 4 & 5, or search for a specific topic in the Index at the back of the book.
If you’re still not too sure, pick one at random! Flip the pages of the book and open to a random page – whatever it is, try it out!

Don’t be afraid to ask a grown-up for help if needed.  Adults love science too!


Check out the photo above for info on Usborne’s Quicklinks, where you’ll find even MORE experiments, online games, and activities!



Ready to find out even MORE about science?!

Of course you are!  SCIENCE RULES!

Get ready to think like a scientist in this scribbling activity book that’s full of things to explore, discover, and invent.

You don’t need a laboratory full of equipment to do science!  It’s all about asking questions, and trying to find answers.

This book is full of things to DESIGN, EXPLORE, IMAGINE, INVENT, SOLVE, and TEST!  All you need is this book, a pencil, occasionally some paper, glue & scissors, and that magnificently awesome brain of yours!

First things first… “What is Science?”

Science is all about investigating, experimenting and exploring, to find out how things work – from planets in outer space to teeny tiny particles inside atoms!

Scientists ask questions like:

  • WHAT is happening?
  • WHY is it happening?
  • HOW is it happening?


There are 3 main branches of science:

PHYSICS is the science of WHY things happen.

Physics questions include:

  • What’s inside an atom?
  • What’s at the bottom of a black hole?
  • What’s space made of?


CHEMISTY is the science of SUBSTANCES – what stuff is made of and how that stuff behaves.

Chemistry questions include:

  • What happens when you melt or freeze things?
  • How many chemical elements are there in the universe?


BIOLOGY is the science of LIVING THINGS, including humans.

Biology questions include:

  • What did the first living thing look like?
  • How do infections spread?
  • What makes us human?


Are you ready to think like a scientist?! Get your questions ready, grab your pencils and your thinking cap, and let’s get experimenting!

Whether you’re curious about only one of these main branches or all three, there are so many cool things to learn with the Science Scribble Book!


Find all of  these scientifically cool titles (and so much more!) on your Usborne Consultant’s website.

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No problem!
Click here to use our Consultant Finder, and we’ll get you connected with someone as soon as possible.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our March Break Countdown! If you missed any of of the days, or want to review previous crafts, games, or experiments, you’ll find them all on our blog home page.

Be good to your parents this March Break. We bet they’d rather be hanging out with you doing cool experiments than going to work every day. Don’t hog ALL the fun! Save a couple of cool things to do with them when they’re done work, okay?

If you’d like to share your March Break Countdown crafts, activities, or experiments with us, ask your parents to share your photos or videos with us over on our Instagram.  They can tag us @usborne_canada. We would LOVE to see all the cool stuff you’ve been up to!

Stay curious, and keep having SO MUCH FUN!